How to Grow Fig Trees from Cuttings (Complete Guide)

How to Grow Fig Trees from Cuttings
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Have you ever been enthralled with the thought of cultivating a fig tree in your garden that would provide delicious fruits? The good news is that it’s a genuine, palpable reality rather than simply a fiction. We’ll explore the art and science of growing fig trees from cuttings in this book, breaking down the procedure so that even non-experts may take on this fascinating horticultural adventure.

An Overview on Growing Fig Trees from Cuttings

Take a time to learn about the intriguing world of fig trees before we get into the specifics of propagation. Members of the Ficus genus, figs are prized for their distinctively sweet fruits. These trees have a rich history, often intertwined with ancient cultures and traditions.

Selecting the Ideal Fig Varieta

Choosing the correct type is crucial if you want to start growing figs. There are several varieties of fig trees, and each has a unique flavor profile and growing characteristics. Choose a kind that fits your environment and particular tastes, whether you choose the traditional Brown Turkey or the exotic Celeste.

Starting Out Cutting Fig Tree

Let’s now roll up our sleeves and get both our hands and our hands dirty. To cultivate fig plants from cuttings, collect the necessary supplies:

Cuts of fresh figs: Select fig tree cuttings that are disease-free and in good condition.

Blending blend: Make sure it drains properly to avoid standing water.

Rooting hormone: This promotes the growth of roots, guaranteeing a solid base.

Containers: To avoid overwatering, use pots with drainage holes. To ensure proper roots, use plastic bags or a plastic dome to create a humid atmosphere.

How to Grow Fig Trees from Cuttings

Getting Ready for Cuttings

  • Start by selecting 6 to 8-inch-long cuttings from the growth of the current season. Eliminate any foliage from the bottom portion of the slice. 
  • To apply rooting hormone, be sure to evenly coat the cut end of each fig cutting by dipping it into the hormone. This is an essential stage in promoting strong root growth.

Plant in Potting Mix 

Make sure the treated cuttings are buried deep enough in the potting mix to offer stability. Water the mix lightly to settle it around the cuttings.

Making a Mini Greenhouse

To generate a humid atmosphere, cover the pots with plastic bags or a plastic dome. This simulates the environment required for root growth to occur successfully.

Providing Sufficient Water and Light

Set up the pots in an area with bright, indirect light. Make sure the potting mix is always damp but not soggy. To retain humidity, reposition the plastic covering as necessary.

Moving Plants into Bigger Containers

It’s time to move your cuttings into bigger containers once they have robust roots. In order to accommodate the expanding fig tree, this step is essential.

Troubleshooting Your Fig Tree Adventure

Like any horticultural endeavor, there might be obstacles in the path. Let’s discuss some typical problems and solutions for them:

Withering Leaves: Overwatering may be indicated if you observe withering leaves. Modify your irrigation schedule to keep everything in balance.

Absence of Root Development: Make sure the humidity levels are at their ideal levels and experiment with a higher dosage of rooting hormone if your cuttings aren’t displaying any indications of root growth.

Pest Infestation: Watch out for pests like spider mites and aphids. To avoid them, use natural therapies like neem oil.

Taking Care of Your Growing Fig Tree

Best wishes! Your cuttings of fig trees have grown into young saplings, and now is the time to give them the attention they require to thrive:

Ideal sunshine: Fig trees need full sun to flourish, so make sure your seedling gets at least six hours of direct sunshine each day.

Plant your fig tree in well-draining soil to avoid waterlogging, which is a frequent problem that can cause root rot.

Frequent irrigation: Although fig trees can withstand periods of dryness, regular irrigation is essential, particularly in the early years of growth.

Fertilising Schedule: To encourage strong foliage and fruit output, fertilize your fig tree with a balanced fertilizer during the growth season.

Satisfying Your Work Resulting in Tasty Homegrown Figs

The time comes to enjoy the actual fruits of your labour after you have painstakingly grown your fig tree from a little clipping. The taste of a fresh picked fig is incomparable, and harvesting figs is a joyful experience.


Is it possible for anybody to cultivate fig trees from cuttings, or is it only a job for seasoned gardeners?

Of course! Cutting down fig trees is a project that may be tackled by novice and expert gardeners alike. It is possible for anybody to effectively cultivate fig trees in their garden with the correct advice and a little perseverance.

When is the ideal time of year to begin cutting fig trees?

The dormant season, which usually occurs in late winter or early spring, is the best time to begin developing fig trees from cuttings. By doing this, you can make sure the cuttings have enough time to form roots before the active growth season starts.

Can I grow fig trees from cuttings without a greenhouse or specific tools?

A greenhouse is not necessary, but it can provide an ideal atmosphere.

An improvised greenhouse can be made out of plastic bags or a dome. All you need to get started is a few basic tools, such as rooting hormones and containers that drain properly.

How much time does it take cuttings from fig trees to root and develop into saplings?

Fig tree cuttings can take anywhere from 4 to 8 weeks to form robust roots, however, this can vary. After they’ve established roots, you may move them into bigger pots, and with the right maintenance, you’ll have young saplings of fig trees that are ready to flourish.

What obstacles can I run across when cultivating fig trees, and how can I get beyond them?

Wilting leaves, poor root growth, and possible insect infestations are common problems.

You may overcome these obstacles by modifying your watering schedule, increasing humidity, using a stronger dose of rooting hormone, and utilizing all-natural pest control solutions.


To sum up, the process of grow fig trees from cuttings is a fulfilling undertaking that combines horticulture magic, science, and nature. You’re nurturing a fig tree and strengthening your bond with the ancient practice of food gardening by following the instructions provided in this guide.

Now put on your elbow grease, get your supplies, and go out on this green-fingered adventure. Before you know it, you’ll be telling friends and family about your accomplishment and enjoying the richness of figs that you grew yourself. Happy expanding!

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